On Friday the 4th of April we went to the Brook Sanctuary. I went in Steve's car. When I was in their car I felt sick. When we got there we went into a little building and looked at stuff and it was interesting. We went to study birds. They are trying to stop the stoats from eating the birds eggs but soon they won't because they are buiding a fence to keep the pests out.
By Jake
I loved the class trip to the Brook sanctuary. I loved hearing the bellbird's song. It was awesome. I loved going in the icy cold water. I have something special, I can get really close to birds, even rare ones that are really scared! I reckon the birds (every type) really like me! We went for a walk and we caught heaps of stream creatures like mayflies and heaps of others. We went there to learn about birds and fish (including mayflies). We saw lots of sparrows and fantails. We learnt about beech trees. The honey dew feeds the birds too.
By Amanda
The first thing we did was look at photos of native birds. Someone called Shine took us for a walk on the special track. If you saw a ribbon stuck on to a tree that means there's a stoat trap. Someone else called Mel took us too, but she took us in the river. She gave us a net, a paint brush and an ice-cream container. We had to chase bugs in the water. The water was very clear but cold. We went because we are studying New Zealand birds.
By Jarod
We went to the Brook sanctuary because we wanted to know how to look after native birds because possums eat them.
Shine showed us around the beech tree and then we came back for lunch. We went in the stream and looked for creatures in the water. After that we talked about somethings. We talked about clear water. I caught worms. Ian fell over in the water and he caught a fresh water crayfish. Me and Emma were buddies. We caught heaps of things then we freed them again.
By Amy
Shine taught us about the beech trees and we went through the magic tunnel. The walk wasn't really long for me because I've done a three hour walk with out crying and I was the first one to reach the top. Shine also taught us about all the traps they have in the bush because they have heaps of pests like stoats, rats and other creepy stuff that eat the birds and their eggs. They also have a tube out in the bush and they have an ink-pad in the middle of the tube. They have two pieces of paper on each side of the ink-pad so the pests step in the ink-pad, then step on the piece of paper so they leave their footprints.
By Max