On Wednesday 30th of July, Nelson was hit by the worst storm in 50 years. It gave Room 15 children a chance to practise expressive writing.
The Storm by Holly
One windy Wednesday there was a great, gusty, wild wind. There was a great, long power cut. Some strong, steady trees got blown over. We lit lots of bright burning candles. I was going to go to gym but the screeching storm was too bad. We cooked slippery spaghetti on the fierce fire. We had fifteen candles.
Wednesday’s Wild Wind! by Emma P
On Wednesday there was a wild wind. Thick red wood trees crashed on to the ground. Just about the whole hillside’s trees came down. Two metres of dirt with the roots of trees came down. It was like a mini whirlwind. One minute the wind would be then it wouldn’t and the power went out for about three or more nights.
Wednesday’s Wild Windy Day by Nadiya
On Wednesday there was a big power cut and a storm. There were strong gusts and fences being crushed and falling trees' roots getting pulled out of the soaking ground. There were even sheds being blown over. Because of the power cut we went over to Nana’s to have dinner and have a cup of milo. Mum had a cup of coffee. We played tryminos.
Wednesday Wild Windy Storm by Callum
On Wednesday there were mud slides, power cuts, fallen trees and broken fences. The police were telling people to not drive on the road unless they really have to. Strong gusts of up to 100 kilometres an hour were thrashing, destroying houses, sheds and farm houses everywhere.
Wednesday’s Windy Weather by Kirsty
On Wednesday 30th of July a big tree came and hit Iain’s bus and smashed a window. When I got home my dad’s car window was smashed and the bonnet of it was dented. We had lots of torches, lanterns and candles. We had a game of monopoly. I won. We had a gas cooker. We had spaghetti for dinner. We went on a light hunt. We had no tv so we did a play. It was cool. We played who wants to be a millionaire and the game of life on my mum’s cellphone. Then the power came on. The end.
The Day of Storm by Ian
At home the power was off. It was creepy at home.
Wednesday’s Wild Windy World Storm by Lilyanne
On Wednesday we had a power cut. It lasted for ages! What a wild windy day that was! Me, Dad and Lydia went to the United Video and saw on the Nelson Public Library sign the “P” and the “C” and a little bit of the “Y” had badly fallen off. It’s the same with Woolworths. The ( ) and the ( ) has fallen off! We used candles to see.
Wednesday’s Wild Windy Storm! by Zack
It was a terrible terrifying day. We had to have melting candles. I hated it. No xbox. What next? Oh no, no food! Suddenly a tree went crash!!!!! It scared my mum.
Wednesday's Wild and Windy Storm by Jake
On Wednesday there was a storm and we had a power cut. When we got home our trampoline blew away in the wind. My Dad's friend Brad came over and he had to pull it up the hill with his car. My Mum walked back up and Brad held the trampoline with his wife driving. Then our neighbour's wheely-bin rolled down the hill and a wheel came off. Dad came home and we had to go to our Nana's place and eat there. I got ice-cream.
Wild Windy Wednesday by Jarod
On Wednesday 30th July 2008 there was a humungous, screaming, windy, pouring, splashing inside day. There was a black-out! We got power at 3 o'clock in the morning. It went off at lunch time. The wind nearly tipped our bus over. The buses were stopped at Nelson Intermediate. I thought that the gusty, huge,ripper, freaky, pouring scary storm was going to be small!