At Easter time we were talking about the different ways Easter is celebrated around the world. In the Northern hemisphere it's springtime at Easter, but in the Southern hemisphere it is autumn. The seasons affect the way we celebrate because baby animals are being born on the other side of the world while in New Zealand we are harvesting and storing crops for winter.
We tried decorating eggs which is a traditional Northern hemisphere activity, then we roasted some chestnuts and carved up our giant pumpkin. They can't do that in England at Easter time!
Jessica says:
"On Thursday 9 April our class made some awesome eggs.
This is how you make them:
First you get a real egg and boil it and then you get coloured dye and put vinegar in it. You get a white crayon and draw patterns on the egg. You dip the egg in the dye and then you get the egg out and put it on the windowsill to dry."