In Room 15 we are trying to incubate some hens' eggs. We are using two different kinds of incubators. The round one has a themostat that regulates the temperature by switching a little light bulb on and off. The square incubator is homemade and is made out of polystyrene and heated with two light bulbs. A fan circulates the warm air around inside the incubator. There is a little door we can open to check the thermometer without letting the heat out. The temperature has to be kept at 39.4 degrees celsius and the humidity around 60 per cent. Every day we roll the eggs twice.
Incubating eggs
In Room 15 we are trying to incubate some hens' eggs. We are using two different kinds of incubators. The round one has a themostat that regulates the temperature by switching a little light bulb on and off. The square incubator is homemade and is made out of polystyrene and heated with two light bulbs. A fan circulates the warm air around inside the incubator. There is a little door we can open to check the thermometer without letting the heat out. The temperature has to be kept at 39.4 degrees celsius and the humidity around 60 per cent. Every day we roll the eggs twice.